Most people know that Mindy Kaling is pretty much my ultimate girl crush of all time. I still check Things I've Bought That I Love once in a while even though I have an RSS reader and I know she hasn't updated since April. Last nights episode of The Office brought my obsession to a new level.
Kelly Kapoor as Carrie Bradshaw. I DIE. These are the best images I could find. I love the idea of an ethnic girl unapologetically rocking the SJP costume.
It's Friday which means its time for the second installment of cubical funtimes aka me posing with random stuff that people send me.
It's Halloween yo.
Hip Hop for Dogs?!?!?! Ipod Touch yes it is true that myliferulez this tiny mandarin came with this ugly orange jewelry box, why? this mug full of oyster crackers and delicious chicken cookie came along with a 2 gallon container of frozen chicken soup. and of course they included a carrot pen.
Do you die? I die. You Can Count On Me will always be the best.
who doesn't love a bad boy? (But really it's cuz he punched his deadbeat dad brother -in-law obvs)He looks sorta retarded here and I like it. they get way p0rnier than this one but I decided to keep is SFW I kinda love the flava-sava in xx/xyoops bad boy again. Making love to a dying woman, then reading to her from a book in My Life Without Me.I know what you are thinking. "Is that Nate Turbow?" nope Mark Ruffalo in In the Cut.
I am seriously considering starting some sort of sexy meme involving ruffalo pics. Captions plz!!
The current plan is Parker Posey in Party Girl as dressed during the Dewey Decimal getting shit done sequence. Not quite sure you remember the outfit? Well I've got screengrabs.
Gabbing with Leo about his gig at Rene'sGetting chewed out (note the paperclip necklace) "A trained monkey learned this system on PBS in a matter of hours."SadMaddrunk Getting shit done...dancing on the tableall done.
I can't even begin to explain the about of ridiculousness that happens in my cubicle during any given week. Sometimes I worry that if that I will die in an avalanche of stuff. (Did you see Help! I'm a Horder on TLC?) At least I don't have to worry about earthquakes in NYC. Here is an attempt to document some of the objets that I am blessed to coexist peacefully with. I wonder if I will ever grow to hate stuff. I think my relationship with stuff is still going pretty strong. I mean I love stuff, cute stuff in particular, creepy stuff, weird stuff, but I don't know sometimes it can be too much.
How adorable is that picture. My little Starlee Kine won the Gold Prize at this year's Third Coast International Audio Festival which apparently is like the Oscars of radio. She won for her now infamous This American Lifestory Dr. Phil. Seriously though that picture looks like its from a fifth grade graduation, like they are about to bust into "The Greatest Love of All."
The story for those of you who don't know involves her calling Phil Collins to ask for help with writing a breakup song. Yeah pretty much the best thing ever.
Her friend Josh hosted a party for her last night at this epic loft in Soho complete with babaganoush and nowandlaters. Unfortunately I had no camera but I may be able to salvage some of the camera phone pics I took. Also, look what I found while trying to find a larger image of the photo above.
I'm dead. Starlee you killed it. SHUT IT DOWN.
ps. I think Peggy Wang East was wearing that exact outfit the other day, just sayin'
I'm going to a 'come as your favorite bitch' party tonight. I totally would go as my girl Lizzie Wurtzel if that didn't require going topless. When I was a freshman in college my roommate and I took the bus from Santa Cruz to Capitola to see her on her Bitch book tour. She was wearing a purple suede leather jacket with fringe. This was 1997 and such things were not at all in fashion, not even ironically. There were all these old people there who for some reason thought Wurtzel should have the answer to all the world's gender trouble. Good timez. The emphasis of this party seems mostly on teen shows but I think my favorite bitch of all time would have to be Kate Beckinsale's Charlotte Pingress in The Last Days of Disco. That dress is so epic, I am totally gonna cruise by Beacon's Closet on the way home and see if they have that in my size. Other options I would consider if they didn't require fancy wigs:
Taylor Jacobsen aka Tay' from The Rachel Zoe Project.
Rashida Jones as Karen on Freaks and Geeks.
And maybe the best toxic best friend of all time. Anna Friel as Marina in Me Without You.