Okay, so sometimes when I am really, really bored I like to search for arbitrary things on Flickr. Sometimes it's "San Francisco 1970s" or "Peace Sign". Yesterday I decided to punch in "Oakland" and "Glenview" (the name of my elementary school). Imagine my surprise when I found these photos from 1989!

Uh, yeah that is me. Bangs intact. My "best friend" Erika Delacruz is suppling the bunny ears. The girl grabbing me was named Josie.

There is Josie again, check out Erika's acid wash and Reeboks. Tetherball is happening in the background.

There goes Erika with the bunny ears again, as for these booty poses I cannot comment. This was Oakland in the late 80s. The boy's name was Rashad.

That guy's name was Carl. I cannot believe I remember this stuff.

I still wore one of those Glenview Griffins sweatshirts until recently.

that girl looks vaguely familiar, that is totally a Oakland Public Schools classroom.

It seems this kid took the photos. I guess his name is Glenn. I don't really recognize him which is weird because I have a great memory.

He seems pretty awesome though. I stole all these images from his Flickr:
Black Glenn