
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Attention hair straightening junkies...

Wondering how to keep your hair sleek and lovely over these summer months? Go no further! Check out my experience with KeraStraight (published in the Winter 2010 issue of Remix Magazine).
Hi, my name is Kelly Henderson, and I'm a hair straightening junkie. Having inherited super thick, kinky hair from my goregous Mum, I've always had to battle to control it, especially now as I've cut it short in the hope of achieving a 'sleek bob'. Needless to say, I was very excited when I was invited to the beautiful Bettjemans Hair Spa in Orakei to be treated to the revolutionary new KeraStraight straightening treatment.
KeraStraight is a non-chemical treatment which simultaneously straightens and repairs your hair using keratin, white clay and 22 carat gold. Keratin is a natural compound found in your hair, skin and nails, and is responsible for giving hair it's strength. The keratin particles in KeraStraight pentrate your hair, improving it's quality not just on the outside but on the inside cortex too, giving it more stength, elasticity and moisture. Larger keratin particles also coat the hair cuticle to protect against things such as smog and damaging UV rays, while the 22 carat gold and white clay work together with the keratin to transform your hair. The treatment boasts to leave your hair looking beautifully shiny, healthy and straight, and is effetive on both untreated, virgin hair to hair that is highly damaged and weak. You don't have to be sporting a 'fro to benefit from KeraStraight, it also leaves straight ot wavy hair healthy, shiny and gorgeous.
On my way to Bettjemans Hair Spa I was excited, but also a little nervous that I could end up leaving with 'too straight' hair lacking any body. However lovely KeraStraight Director Jeanette Cork, experienced hairdresser of 25 years and the woman responsible for bringing KeraStraight to NZ from the UK, put any fears I had to rest with her passion for and knowledge of the product.
Upon my arrival I was escorted into Bettjemans specifically designed KeraStraight treatment room and, after popping on a gorgeous white robe, the process began with a pre-treatment cleanser to gently open the hair shaft. As I sipped on a green tea, my hair was then dried 100% and the treatment applied (which, you'll be pleased to note, had a scent reminicent of banana lollies, unlike chemical treatments which smell awful). Once the treatment had been in for 20 minutes, my hair was dried off once again and then sealed with irons heated to 230 degrees. Each section must be meticulously ironed 10 times, so for someone like me with super thick hair, this was the most time consuming part of the process. All in all the treatment took just under four hours for my hair, but for different hair types and lengths the time varies between two and four hours. Although it is a long time to be sitting in one place, the beautiful ambience of Bettjemans and a supply of glossy mags made the process enjoyable and relaxing.
After the ironing process was complete I was instantly happy with the results – my hair looked shiny, healthy and straight, with it's usual bulky thickness nowhere to be seen. Aftercare is important with KeraStraight; you cannot wash your hair, tie it up, tuck it behind your ears or get it wet for the next three days (72 hours). This is easier said than done, but trust me, the results are worth it. When the third day rolled around I eagerly washed my hair with KeraStraight Straight Maintain shampoo and conditioner, blow dried it, and found my hair looking glossy, straight and healthy - I didn't even need to think about getting out my irons! Talk about a time saver, now I just have to figure out what to do with the extra 20 minutes I have up my sleeve every monring.
KeraStraight gradually fades out over a course of four months, slowly returning your hair to it's pre-treatment state. The straightening effect starts to fade first after two to three months, but the glossy and healthy look from the treatment stays on. Jeanette says that the more treatments you have, the better it gets, and I definitely think I'll be wanting a second round after my four months are up. KeraStraight costs approximately $500-$700 depending on hair type and length; your cost will be determined upon a free pre-treatment consultation.
Huge thanks to Jeanette for giving me the best hair days I've ever had, and the team at Bettjemans Hair Spa for their hospitality.
For more information on KeraStraight visit www.kerastraight.co.nz.

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